Thursday, February 4, 2010

Season 9: Let the Games Begin!

Hey everyone, it looks like we have a good-sized group of people for this season. So far my count is 21! I just wanted to let you all know some information about what's going to happen with the pool this year. And so without further ado, I present: American Idol Pool: Season 9! Feel free to come back and reference this post throughout the season if you need a reminder of point values or other information.

Here's How the Pool Will Work:

Each week I will write a blog and send an email out to everyone on TUESDAY NIGHT. Everyone will then reply to my email and make their predictions and answer any bonus questions before the show airs Wednesday night. I will keep track of the points and send out a recap email after every Wednesday night episode.

Here's a breakdown of the points:
40 Points if you successfully choose the winner based ONLY on his or her initial audition. This prediction MUST be completed BEFORE the show airs next Tuesday, February 9th, when Hollywood Week begins. And you only get 1 shot, but it's worth a lot of points, so it would be a good idea to make a guess, even if you don't remember many people from the auditions.

5 Points for each person you successfully choose for the Top 12, based on the Top 24. The Top 24 will be revealed on the February 17th episode.

10 Additional Points if you successfully pick 8 of the Top 12 contestants, based on the Top 24.

30 Points if you successfully choose the winner, based on the Top 24.

20 Points if you can correctly choose the winner from the Top 12.

Weekly Points:
2 points for every correct answer to the bonus questions.

2 Points for each person you correctly predict for the Bottom 3.

5 Points if you correctly predict who is eliminated that week.

5 Points each for correct song predictions (if information on the week's theme is available beforehand).

I will be keeping track of the points throughout the entire season and the winner of the pool gets a prize (to be determined) and a custom trophy (awesome!). (Hint: You may want to keep track of your own points, too, so that I cannot be accused of CHEATING at the end of the SEASON if you do not WIN--Aunt Rena'!!)

So your assignment this week is to make a prediction based on the audition rounds of ONE person you think might win it all! Remember to get your prediction to me before the show airs next Tuesday, or it won't count (and you'll be sad)! It's worth 40 points if you get it right, so you might as well go ahead and take a shot in the dark.

Let's Review: Each week will basically work like this:
1. Watch Tuesday, watch American Idol. Feel free to laugh, cry, scream, mock, eat, exercise, and have a generally wonderful time.
2. After the show, wait for my email. Depending on what I have going on, the email may come as early as 9:30 or as late as midnight (CST, of course).
3. Once you receive my email, go the blog and read it. Feel free to leave comments, if you please.
4. Respond to my email with your predictions as to who will be in the bottom 3 and who will ultimately be eliminated, along with answers to any bonus questions. This must be completed BEFORE the show airs on Wednesday night.
5. Watch Idol on Wednesday night.
6. Anxiously await my recap email to find out how many points you received.
7. Celebrate!
8. Often times during the week, I will send an email regarding the week's theme and instructions on making predictions of songs the contestants may sing...more instructions to follow!

Hope everyone has a great time with was a lot of fun last year. Please let me know if you have questions!

I know this is a lot of information, but don't get overwhelmed. We'll walk you through it. It's supposed to be fun. So smile! And have a wonderful day!

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