Thursday, February 5, 2009

Season 8: Hollywood Week Episodes 1 & 2...Chain of Fools

Hollywood Week is back and better than ever!....well, sort of.

I was happy to see the rebirth of the Group Performances this week. What can I say, I guess I'm a sucker for a good cat fight.

Other than that, we had Barry Manilow (seriously?), a Ford Commercial, already, and a few contestants who really grew on me....oh, alright, and a few who managed to still annoy me.

Lil Rounds - This girl is still phenomenal. I'm sure she'll be in the Top 12. I thought her version of the Whitney song was a little showy, but I suppose there's never a better time to be showy than when you're trying to stand out among 100 people. CLICK HERE for a video of Lil.

Anoop Desai - I was reminded this week of just how great his voice is. Can't wait to hear more from him in the coming weeks. CLICK HERE for a video of Anoop.

Stephen Fowler - We didn't get to see Stephen's audition, and I can't figure out why because he has an incredible voice! I'd like to hear more of it. CLICK HERE for a video of Stephen.

Jorge Nunez - This guy doesn't really have anything that we haven't seen before, but I think he has one of the best male voices in the competition so far. Hopefully he'll hang in there because I think he's an awesome singer. CLICK HERE for a video of Jorge.

Jackie Tohn - I like her more now than I did before. She's hilarious. And her voice is really growing on me. I think she's a contender for the Top 12. CLICK HERE for a video of Jackie.

Danny Gokey - I have to say--I wasn't too thrilled that American Idol chose to showcase a sobbing widower just as he was about to audition. I thought it was a little exploitative..and I thought Danny maybe had made a poor decision in allowing American Idol into that aspect of his life. I don't want to question his motives, though..I don't know the guy. All I can say is, his voice blew me away this week. I really like the husky quality he has, and I think he's a great singer. CLICK HERE for a video of Danny.

Adam Lambert - I wasn't too crazy about Adam when he first auditioned...but I can admit when I'm wrong (sometimes). His singing during the group performance was flawless. He's still a little theatrical, but I can't believe what an awesome vocalist he is. CLICK HERE for a video of Adam.

Nick/Norman Mitchell/Gentle - I'm not sure about this guy. I thought it was all a publicity stunt when he made it to Hollywood. But now that he's there, he's actually entertaining. They haven't really showcased his voice that much, but I'm thinking it must be pretty good if he's still in the running. We'll see....All I know is that he made me laugh.

Matt Giraud, Kris Allen, India Morrison, Justin Williams - Any group that chooses to do an a capella number for their group performance is pretty great in my book. CLICK HERE for video.

And now for the people I didn't hold in such high regard:

Jasmine Murray - I still think she is singing out of her nose. She's a beautiful girl, and with some more training, she might be better, but I don't think she really deserved to stay. CLICK HERE for a video of Jasmine.

Von Smith - Oh my. This kid should never be allowed within a 3-foot radius of a microphone. How is it possible for someone to scream that loudly while he's singing. I am pretty sure that Von is his own biggest fan. Hopefully he'll prove me wrong. He was on The View awhile back singing a song from Dreamgirls. CLICK HERE for a video of Von (if you can stand it).

Bikini Girl - And finally we see the overdue expiration of Katrina's time on American Idol. I can't figure out why they spent so much time on her, and why she was allowed to stay for so long. And by the way, wasn't it convenient that Katrina's little crying spell happened to be when the cameras were on her? And isn't it convenient that she left her microphone pack turned on and left the hotel room door open while she went into her room sobbing to her roommate about how hurt she was? Just an observation. I'm sure she'll pop up again somewhere...maybe she'll get her own MTV reality show...or maybe she'll be a centerfold.

Nathaniel Marshall - What a stinking drama queen. I don't think he would be able to hack it if he actually made it into the Top 12. CLICK HERE for a video of Nathaniel crying.

Tatiana Del Toro - I am positive that this girl is only on the show for ratings...because she's CRAZY. I hope the freak show ends soon. CLICK HERE for a video of Tatiana.

So, who has your vote so far...and who are you wishing will get booted?

I believe next week is when they finally decide on the Top 36...I can't wait!

Currently Listening To: Chain of Fools by Aretha Frankin

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