Thursday, January 15, 2009

Season 8: Audition Rounds Episode 2...Stuck in the Middle With You

2 Audition Episodes down, 4 more to go (according to my count). We've been to Phoenix and Kansas City so far...we have yet to see Louisville, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, New York City, and San Juan.

Last night's American Idol episode was pretty good. I think Kara is going to be my favorite of the judges. That's not saying much, though, since the others bother me so much. Kara seems very real, and like she hasn't been jaded by being part of the most popular show on television yet. I give her until next season when she'll start to get annoying. I like her for now, though.

Here's a recap of the ones who made it...

Ashley Anderson. I think she's a very good singer, but all she needed was a 'diva hand' up there flying around, demonstrating all the notes she was other words, she's trying to be Mariah Carey, jr.

Casey Carlson. I thought she was very country...even down to the cliche cowboy boots she chose to wear. I think she has a good voice, but her stylized singing tries a little too hard.

Josiah hem...I mean, Von Smith. This kid is the doppelganger for last season's failed contestant/arrogant cry baby Josiah Lemming. Perhaps producers regretted not letting Josiah go through to the top 12 (I'm sure you remember him, the kid from Tennessee with the fake British Accent who said he was living out of his car as a starving artist). Who knows, but Josiah's twin Von is at least as far as Hollywood. If you can look past his self-indulgent screaming, his voice is actually pretty cool. If he can refrain from wearing the token "I'm trying to be cool" hat during Hollywood week, I might like him more. We'll see.

Michael Castro. Wow. Those Castro kids are just a different breed, aren't they? It's like nothing phases them. They're as laid back on national television as they would be in their own living room...I still haven't decided if I like this quality in the Castro boys, or if it annoys me. It comes across as a little arrogant, but I really don't think they intend to be that way. I think they are just incredibly even-tempered. I think Michael was good, but he may have squeaked by on his brother's good name. By the time he gets to Hollywood, though, he will have doubled his tenure as a that's good.

Matt Breitske. I really liked this guy. He reminded me of a college friend of mine. I love the husky, bluesy quality to his voice. Very powerful.

Jessica Paige Furney. I was really surprised when Jessica started singing. Her voice is very authentic and natural. I hope she makes it far.

India Morrison. The judges thought she was phenomenal, and she was really comparison to her sister. I think that was their scheme all along. They took the other sister in there to make India look better. I thought India was okay, but I doubt she'll make it through Hollywood week.

Jamar Rogers. His whole audition was just too much. I hate when people do that to a song. He's a decent singer, though...hopefully he'll learn how to take it down a notch.

Danny Gokey. This was our heart-warming story of the evening. I thought he was a good singer, and I think he'll make it to the top 36.

Anoop Desai. I was pleasantly surprised by his voice...and his sense of humor. He probably needs a little bit of a makeover, though. Did anybody else think Simon was being just a little racist with the whole Silicon Valley computer nerd thing?

Asa Barnes. He has a good voice, he's handsome, and he's a nice guy. I'm sure we'll see more of him. His Michael Jackson song choice was a little high-pitched the words of Simon, shrieky, but I still liked him a lot.

Dennis Brigham. I thought this guy was sort of a John Legend wannabe who didn't have half the talent. He may prove better later on, but I wasn't impressed with his audition.

Lil Rounds. I saw this girl's name on a blog a couple weeks ago, and I thought it said ' as in 'Lil Kim or 'Lil Romeo...I was expecting some kind of rapper. Needless to say I was surprised when I realized that her name is actually as in short for Lillian. I was absolutely blown away by her voice. I think she will definitely be in the Top 36...and it will be a shame if she doesnt' make it all the way to the Top 12.

Now, of course, there have been some contestants who made it through to Hollywood who weren't featured on the audition episodes. Producers promised that we'll get to know everyone by the time the Top 12 comes around.

But is there anyone who has stood out so far to you? Anyone who you think should or should not have been chosen?

I think next week's episodes feature auditions in Salt Lake City and Louisville...check back next Wednesday and Thursday for a recap!

Currently Listening To: Stuck in the Middle With You by Stealer's Wheel


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought Lil's voice was pretty good, but I think I'll be really, really sick of her at some point. Not trying to be racist, but it seems as if the super talented African-American girl singers all get caught in an Aretha Franklin kind of rut. Meaning, every week, they sound the same and sing the same type of song. I hope it's not the case with Lil, but I think it will be.

    Also, I think India is horrible and I'm surprised the judges were fooled by their little trick. And what's with India's and Asia's parents? If you start with a continent in naming your child, you can't really switch up and go to a country, can you?
