Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Season 8: Audition Rounds Episodes 5 and 6...while my guitar gently weeps

In protest for the lack of substance on the previous two episodes of our American Idol, I am combining them into one blog. Jacksonville and Salt Lake City are not even noteworthy enough to get their own THERE!

Jacksonville, FL

Well, I knew there wasn't going to be much coming from The Sunshine State when they opened the show with people shouting out to Randy. I didn't figure out until later that the reason they were making such a big deal about Randy was that his last name is Jackson...and they were in Jacksonville. Oh please!

Joshua Ulloa - Who tells this kid that he looks like Justin Guarini? Who even remembers Justin Guarini? I must say, I was surprised at how great his voice sounded, but man, that kid annoyed me! I don't think he has the look or the personality to carry him through Hollywood week, but here's to him for making me gasp with shock as he began singing. HERE is the video.

Sharon Wilbur - If you have to rely on a gimmick (i.e. a friend dressed as a bunny or, in this case, a dog named Sasha), you clearly can't be too confident in your talent. I don't think her voice was anything to write home about. She's been to the school of Britney and Christina where you learn to oversing your songs and mispronounce words such as 'baby' "BAYBAY". HERE is Sharon's video.

Julissa Veloz - When she came on camera, I thought about the quintessential beauty queen...and basically, I thought she would suck. I was, again, pleasantly surprised by Julissa's voice. I don't think she's quite ready yet for Idol. She's not polished enough, but her voice does have a good quality to it. She gets an A+ for personality, though...I thought she was funny and charming. HERE is her video.

Jasmine Murray - Anyone who decides to sing a Fergalicious song for their audition, automatically gets knocked down a couple notches in my book. I don't know what the judges were talking about because, yes, she was cute, but sweet Moses that girl sang out of her nose worse than a lot of people who didn't make it through. Good thing she's cute, I guess. HERE is her video.

Anne Marie Boskovich - I guess the American Idol people needed more filler because the whole "go and sex yourself up and come back later" thing was ridiculous. For one thing, the girl looked fine when she went to the audition in the first place. And she didn't really look any different for the second part of her audition. Normally, the judges just rely on Hollywood to give these contestants a makeover (Hello, Clay Aiken)...maybe they should just stick with the singing part of the auditions. I could have done without their fake shock and awe as they beheld the newly transformed Anne Marie--who took off her jean jacket, and that was it! I think Anne Marie has a pretty voice...but she seems more like a stage actress than anything else. I bet she'll be one that ends up more suited for Broadway. HERE is her video.

T.K. Hash - He sang David Archuleta's version of John Lennon's Imagine...which I already didn't like. I hate people taking that song and annihilating it with runs and dragged out notes. That being said, T.K. has a nice voice, but that's about it...I don't think we'll be hearing from him again after Hollywood week. HERE is his video.

So, Jacksonville was a bust! I don't know if we'll see any of these contestants in the Top 12. Anne Marie Boskovich maybe...just because they made such a big deal about her from the beginning.

Salt Lake City

I was slightly more entertained with Wednesday's episode. I've gotta tell you, though, I will be so exceedingly joyful when these stinking auditions are over! One more night of them...I'll just keep telling myself that.

David Osmond - What a sad story about him being diagnosed with MS, and being confined to a wheelchair at times. He still has that token Osmond upbeat attitude, though, and he gave a really good audition. I enjoyed hearing him sing. The judges gave him some advice to help him sort of break free from the Osmond cliche. I think if he takes that advice, he'll be in good shape. HERE is his video.

Frankie Jordan - At first I was impressed by this girl's vocals and style...but then I realized that she was singing an Amy Winehouse song and doing an Amy Winehouse impression. I don't know if she'll have the chops to cut it in Hollywood week. She may end up being a one trick pony. But hey, if the singing career thing doesn't pan out, she can always get a career as an impersonator. HERE is her video.

Megan Corkrey - You know, I'm getting a little sick of the people who exploit something tragic going on in their lives to make a sob story that will look good on TV (the guy a couple weeks ago whose wife had just passed away was one example, and now we have another: a 22 year old girl who is going through a divorce), I don't know the circumstances of her situation...but I do know that it's probably not the best idea in the world to use something like a divorce as leverage to get sympathy votes on the show. That irritates me a little bit. But I do really love Megan's voice. I think it has a beautiful, husky quality about it. And I enjoy its unique sound. Hopefully she'll make it through on the merit of her talent, and not on her personal life. HERE is her video.

Austin Sisneros - This kid is as unassuming and adorable as can be. Fans of the Archuleta will love this squeaky clean guy. About his voice, I wasn't as impressed as the judges. I mean, he's good, but he shouldn't have chosen a song by Train. He really seems like he would fit in the country genre. Maybe he should have picked a Rascall Flatts song. He did sound much better, though, when he sang the Raffi song. Nowhere near as talented as little Archudorable, though. HERE is his video.

Jarrett Burns - Well, it seems like if you want to go to Hollywood you should sing "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Rae. That has officially taken the place of "Fallin'" by Alicia Keys for the most over-used song on Idol. They didn't show much of this guy, but I thought he was ai'ght--in the words of Randy Jackson. HERE is his video.

Taylor Vaifanua - While I have a hard time believing that this girl is only 16 (she looks like she's in her 30s), I was pleased with her voice. I really think she was trying a little too hard this time around, but I hope she can tone it down a little and just rely on her talent, instead of trying to be some crazy character. HERE is her video.

Rose Flack - She is a very Jason Catro-like person. I like her free-spirited style and her voice is lacking control, but it sounds good. I really think she has a good chance at the top 36. Hopefully if she makes it, she'll wash her feet first (did anyone else notice that they were BLACK on the bottoms?). HERE is her video.

We have one more night of auditions, and then next week Hollywood Week begins! Keep checking back on the blog for a contest that will be starting once the Top 36 are selected!!

That's it for now, I'll be posting another blog Friday covering Thursday's episode. Jeffers, out!

Currently Listening To (in honor of the crying kid from Jacksonville who wasn't allowed to play his guitar at the audition): While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles

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