Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Season 8: Disco Week...Young Hearts Run Free

Disclaimer: I'm "live" blogging tonight (which means nothing more than I'm typing all of this as I watch the show)...so you'll have to forgive the disconnected thoughts. Just pretend I'm sitting next to you on the couch interjecting my proverbial two cents throughout all of the performances...because that's exactly what I'm doing in real life, even though I'm watching it alone. And in honor of the live blog tonight, I'm going to sum up every contestant's performance with two words. Find it in each person's paragraph, after the rating.

Lil - I'm Every Woman. Well, Lil has finally "jumped the shark" as they say in television when someone has taken a leap in the direction of the end of their tenure. She is relying totally on sex appeal now to keep her on the show. The producers are clearly done with her, based on the fact that she sang first and the judges completely reamed what I thought was a semi-decent performance (when you consider the performer, of course). At least Lil showed some life behind her eyes. She wasn't some robot singing a song this week. Lil did hit some nails-on-the-chalkboard notes during the bridge of the song, but other than that I thought it was a decent performance (again, by Lil's standards). Rating: 6 Two Words: Cat Suit

I finally figured out who Kris Allen reminds me of: The Mac Guy (Justin Long)...he looks vaguely like him, but their speaking voices sound just alike. Does anyone else agree?

Kris - She Works Hard for the Money. Ooooo, what a nice acoustic arrangement! I think Kris's version of this obnoxious song was great. Although, I do wonder if it's cheating to not really do a disco song on disco night? Oh well, I'm willing to let that slide for Kris. I Love, love loved this performance. Eek! There was a little voice crack in there, but I think America will be forgiving. Rating: 9 Two words: Refreshing, Endearing

Bonus Question: What crazy critique did Paula give to Kris?

Danny - September. Hey, did Danny just growl? I've never heard him do that before (insert eye roll here). I guess I'll give him a little credit for choosing an upbeat song, although I don't know how many ballads there are in Disco, so the odds were already in his favor. I still think his voice sounds strained. Why does he look so angry? I just don't get the craze, I guess. Danny is one of the only performers who hasn't really developed over the course of the season, in my opinion. He could have performed this song just as well in week one. Rating: 7 Two Words: Scruffy McScreamerson

Kara said to Danny, "Your pitch is so right on"...really, Kara? Danny has hit his fair share of bad notes this season...I don't know who she's trying to fool.

Allison - Hot Stuff. I love how she started off so slow and sultry. I think it's awesome that she was able to turn this disco dance song into a rock ballad. I'm not sure her outfit is appropriate for a 16 year old, but I'm not her mother I guess. That part when she sang hot, hot, hot, hot stuuuuff...that was so cool. Very nice ending. I think this was one of Allison's best performances. Rating: 9 Two Words: Should Win

Bonus Question: Randy told Allison, "You always prove my point." What is his point? I realize that this is probably one of the most difficult bonus questions of the season because I am asking you to make sense out of something Randy said.

Adam Lambert being swallowed by the sea of blonde girls. That was incredibly creepy. Much to my chagrin, the Twilight hairdo is back again. Some other people on the blog circuit have been calling it Jimmy Neutron hair. That's probably more appropro, but I came up with the Twilight thing myself, so I'll stick with it.

If Adam isn't careful, he's going to end up looking more like Ed Grimley

Adam Lambert - If I Can't Have You. You gotta hand it to the guy, he's the most charming and comfortable of all of the contestants. He's poised. This performance sounds very similar to his Mad World and Tracks of my Tears performances. He's wearing a ring from the Paula Abdul line of overexaggerated guady jewelry. I don't think it was brilliant. Some of the screeching was excessive. Adam is getting boring for me (and America takes a collective gasp!). Every other week he does a ballad and then follows it up with an upbeat number. Who wants to take bets that he'll sing a shrieky uptempo rock song next week? I'm holding Adam to a higher standard than the rest of them because he is so poised and professional. And does anybody have a mailing address for him because I'd really like to send him an inhaler so he can get that asthmatic breathing of his under control. Rating: 8 Two Words: Overrated, Sparkly

Paula told Adam, "I never question my visceral response to your performance." What the?

Ryan's bad joke of the night: You were melting her into a "Pool of Abdul" ROFLLOLLMAO!! That Seacrest knows how to deliver a pun, let me tell ya.

Matt - Stayin' Alive. Oh Geez. I'm not sure he should have chosen that song, but we'll see what happens with it. Ryan's teaser certainly didn't do anything to help a brother out. "We'll see if Matt's song can keep him staying alive" And then he said it again when they came back from break. It looks like the almighty producers have already decided Matt's fate as well. No fair!

Nice soulful arrangement. I'm glad the kids are taking liberties with the songs this week. Nice moves! haha. I hope he doesn't fall into trying to be the reincarnation of Timberlake because that's not who he is. I think his voice sounds good. He seems to have some swagger back, and a little soul. Jammin with the background singers. Ran out of breath at the end a little bit there, and had a couple of bad notes...I just wish he wouldn't try to do so much with every note he sings. Rating: 8 Two Words: More Please!

Wow..these judges are full of the backhanded compliments for Matt tonight! They're the ones who saved him last week. Kara told him his performance wasn't as good as Adam's. And then Paula said he chooses songs like she bowls. Somebody give the kid a break already.

Anoop - Dim All the Lights. Nice scruffy look...and suit. Anoop is a little bit sexy tonight. Tried to get the audience clapping off beat...woops. I'm glad this disco song commands people to "turn up the old victrola". I may not have been born yet, but I'm fairly certain that victrolas were already antiques when disco came on the scene. Anoop's voice sounds good tonight, and his confidence is nice. But I think another boring ballad is going to do him in. I'm not sure, but this might be the end for Anoop. Especially after that ending flub. Rating: 7

Did Ryan really just compliment Anoop on his eyebrows?! Two Words: Inevitable Departure.

The Cowell has spoken. Anoop must go. Why does that guy think that his word is final on everything? He gets on my nerves!

As a sidenote, I'm a little nervous about my newfound favorite. I decided to start voting for Matt this week in an effort to try to keep him around a little longer. In the Year of the David my voting practice was to vote for David the Cook, and to keep voting for said David until I got a busy signal. I tried the same thing tonight, but it took me at least 12 phone calls before I got the busy signal. This is not boding well for Mr. Giraud and the Soul Patrol 2.0.

As another sidenote, I don't know how many of my readers also watch The Biggest Loser, but I hate Ron! What a backstabbing conniving jerk...and he's teaching his son to play like that! Poor Kristen...I really wanted her to win. Now it's Go Felipe!!
Bonus Questions:
1. How many times did the judges allude to contestants staying on the show longer? Note: I'm only looking for how many times they said someone would be around longer...so when Simon told Lil she was going home tomorrow, that doesn't count.

2. Which contestant made a heart symbol with their hands, rather than throwing up their dial numbers?

3. Who did Simon say was coming into this week as an underdog?
4: Where did the saying "Jump the Shark" originate?

Currently Listening To: Young Hearts Run Free by Candi Staton

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